Project Record Report Forms and Achievement Awards

What is a Record Keeping Important?

The 4-H program has a long history of record keeping. The focus reflects the importance of this life skill in our daily lives. In 4-H, young people have tracked their activities, events, profits and losses, skill development and learning experiences, and much more using the iconic 4-H Record Book, now in a new simplistic 4-H Project Record Form. In addition to record keeping, the 4-H Project Record Form gives members an opportunity to reflect on their year, measure their achievements and growth, and set goals, and develop plans to meet those goals.

Local Record Keeping & Project Report Forms

Record keeping and Project Reporting are valuable skills taught to members of the Kansas 4-H program. Members are encouraged to keep a permanent record of all 4-H and Non-4-H Experience and are encouraged to summarize their experiences on the Kansas 4-H Project Report Form for project recognition.

To help you through this process, please refer to the Guide to Kansas 4-H Project Recognition.

Before you begin to keep project record reports for the year
, please make sure you have a current version of Adobe Reader DC. If you do not, you may download a free version, here: When you click on that link, the following screen will appear. "Uncheck" the 3 boxes in the middle column and click on the link circled in green to begin your download. Follow the prompts to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

Please note: when opening a form below, please open it and save it to your desktop or device before entering information. You must download or open the form, then "save as" or you run the risk of losing your work.*

Project Recognition Check Sheet (fillable PDF)

Personal Information Page (fillable PDF)

Project Report Form Evaluation Rubric (PDF)

OPTION A: ZBOOKS Online Record Keeping Software

ZBooks Resource Page

Please note that both options will be evaluated in the same manner, with no advantage being given to either method. Information included in either method will be the same.

OPTION B: Form Fillable PDF's

Please note that both options will be evaluated in the same manner, with no advantage being given to either method. Information included in either method will be the same.

Permanent Record (fillable Word)

Project Record Report Forms **revised January 2022 versions**

Casey Ling
4-H Youth Development Agent